Ever Hottest Xmas (久々の海外出張)

先日ブログでお伝えいたしました 昨年末の社員全員集合 zoom 会食、出張メンバーはアリゾナ州の砂漠におりました。

TKA engineers were visiting Arizona to help EV start up build a car factory in the middle of hot desert during such time as enjoying Thanksgiving luncheon party via Zoom.


例にもれず アリゾナ州もコロナの影響で観光業はストップしておりホテルと工場を往復する毎日でした

Highly unique Xmas like this warm weather like almost 30 degree C and this quietness due to CoViD19.





Spent every lunch time in this container hotel which provides everything other than meals.

Electricity, air conditioner, Wi-Fi service and flushing toilet! Still the very best was its sunset!